The gold spot price fell by 200 rupees per 10 grams to Rs 29,850 in India on Thursday, bringing some joy to by domestic consumers in front of the marriage season. However, contract in June on MCX, gained 0.11% to touch an intraday high of Rs 28,683 per 10 gm. The intraday low was Rs 28,537.
Export data of China unexpectedly China has positively impacted all commodities like gold, "said a commodity advisory senior analyst. In international trade, gold remained below $ 1,300 an ounce after the biggest decline daily within three weeks on speculation that the U.S. Fed be further reduced monetary stimulus measures as the economy does not recover.
Bullion for immediate delivery quated at $ 1290.34 an ounce at 11.47 am in Singapore from $ 1289.88 on Wednesday, when prices fell 1.4%, the highest since 15 April in accordance with Bloomberg generic prices.
Gold tumbled 28% in 2013 to end a 12-year concentration in the expectations that the Federal Reserve would scaling back asset purchases. Janet Yellen, president of the Federal Reserve, had on Wednesday told the Americans lawmakers in Washington that the largest world economy continues to require stimulus, even as findings support the faster growth prospects this year. The U.S. central bank today announced cuts in the purchase of bonds in each of their last four sessions.
"Gold was broken under the psychological level of $ 1,300 an instinctive reaction to the liberation of testimony of Yellen," James Steel, analyst at HSBC Securities (USA) Inc., wrote in a note. "Bullion also been pulled down by what looked to be a de-escalation of the geopolitical tensions. Bullion is probably remain moderate On the short term."
Gold has risen 7.4% this year, partly because the tensions in Ukraine stimulated demand. Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the separatists in Ukraine to delay a vote for independence and said that the Russian forces had withdrawn from the border. But U.S. said there are no signs of retreat.
News By Economictimes
Get more gold market news & updates with 100McxTips. Follow our latest market tweets @100mcxtipsand Like our Facebook profile page :
Export data of China unexpectedly China has positively impacted all commodities like gold, "said a commodity advisory senior analyst. In international trade, gold remained below $ 1,300 an ounce after the biggest decline daily within three weeks on speculation that the U.S. Fed be further reduced monetary stimulus measures as the economy does not recover.
Bullion for immediate delivery quated at $ 1290.34 an ounce at 11.47 am in Singapore from $ 1289.88 on Wednesday, when prices fell 1.4%, the highest since 15 April in accordance with Bloomberg generic prices.
Gold tumbled 28% in 2013 to end a 12-year concentration in the expectations that the Federal Reserve would scaling back asset purchases. Janet Yellen, president of the Federal Reserve, had on Wednesday told the Americans lawmakers in Washington that the largest world economy continues to require stimulus, even as findings support the faster growth prospects this year. The U.S. central bank today announced cuts in the purchase of bonds in each of their last four sessions.
"Gold was broken under the psychological level of $ 1,300 an instinctive reaction to the liberation of testimony of Yellen," James Steel, analyst at HSBC Securities (USA) Inc., wrote in a note. "Bullion also been pulled down by what looked to be a de-escalation of the geopolitical tensions. Bullion is probably remain moderate On the short term."
Gold has risen 7.4% this year, partly because the tensions in Ukraine stimulated demand. Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the separatists in Ukraine to delay a vote for independence and said that the Russian forces had withdrawn from the border. But U.S. said there are no signs of retreat.
News By Economictimes
Get more gold market news & updates with 100McxTips. Follow our latest market tweets @100mcxtipsand Like our Facebook profile page :